Yuh, that were busy first weeks in Argentina and not at all the most interesting ones - sitting behind the computer, writing mails about flats, bank acounts and matraces. But now, starting work is done and it becomes a bit more relaxed and interesting. And: While you in Europe are suffering a rainy autumn, here springtime started on the 21st of september. A day were Argentine Youth is said to get drunk and have orgies in the park. Of course I was trying to see that, but it was a big exaggeration. There were some hipie musicians and a very peaceful crowd, Rock `n Roll looks different to me.

Two days later appaered the sun, indeed, and now the temperatures already climb up to 20 degress during the day. Time to leave the grey city and the computer behind and go to the countryside! My first volunteer visit brought me to Urdianarrain, just 5 hours away from Buenos Aires, a small village of 8000 inhabitants and amazing middle class atmosphere - due to the soya, of course. While the government decided to close down all children homes of the country, the two volunteers in the home of Urdinarrain, Max and Johannes, seemed to be in danger of having no work. Yet finally it turned out that the new start of the institution is already made. The now day care center for kids offers enough work for both, like mental math, knitting and slaughtering (the cows, not the kids). In Urdi, I also had the first nights without street noise and a sky sprangled with stars! By the way, none of the important banks for Argentina got bankrupt so far. Seems that the bigger crises at the moment are in different regions. Here, we will enjoy the sun!
In dem Haufen bin ich in der letzten Woche gelandet! Unverkennbare Fruehlingssonne, im Hintergrund mein Domizil das ISEDET, und im Vordergrund geschaetzte 45 Freiwillige, von denen viele "weltwaerts" unterwegs sind. Gemeinsam werden wir versuchen heraus zu bekommen, was ein Jahr entwicklungspolitischer Freiwilligendienst bringen kann.
Und an euch alle: Willkommen zurueck bei der Kachelsafari in Suedamerika!
Und an euch alle: Willkommen zurueck bei der Kachelsafari in Suedamerika!
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