ACT development assembly in Buenos Aires. Coordinating the team of German stewards meant one week of living in the hotel, one week with almost no sleep, copies with and without plasticfoils, with loosing words while switching beetween the languages and as one of the highlights real Samoan dances and musical presentations. For more pics and impressions click here.
One of the best things was getting to know the famous BAUEN Hotel, taken over by the workers in 2002 after the owners decided to close down the hotel as a result of Argentina´s heavy economic crisis. 7 years later, the legal situation of the hotel still isn´t solved, the number of workers has rised from 50 to 200, still sharing decisions and income amog them and having reached to reanimate the hotel´s life. As one of the outcomes of the economic crisis in 2001, in Argentina exist around 200 "occupied fabrics". So if Magna fails with Opel, that might be another solution.

One of the best things was getting to know the famous BAUEN Hotel, taken over by the workers in 2002 after the owners decided to close down the hotel as a result of Argentina´s heavy economic crisis. 7 years later, the legal situation of the hotel still isn´t solved, the number of workers has rised from 50 to 200, still sharing decisions and income amog them and having reached to reanimate the hotel´s life. As one of the outcomes of the economic crisis in 2001, in Argentina exist around 200 "occupied fabrics". So if Magna fails with Opel, that might be another solution.