Why did nobody inform me earlier that living together is like having a constant date?
I always thought that people who start to live together disappear out of social life because they aren't interested in it anymore. Currently, I slowly start to understand that it might has nothing to do with it! Maybe they would like to still take part. But they simply don't have time for it. They are already on another meeting. They are dating the friend! It is by no means true that they are not interested in social interaction anymore. To the contrary! They are busy with it all the time!
My date is called Jasper. Usually he is already there when I arrive. Just sometimes he's a little late. We are having dinner together (in the kitchen), we go for a drink (sofa), we go to the movie (bed). We are appointed for breakfast, for shopping or teeth brushing. He shows me his prints, I show him my vocabular tests. We have a talk on what happened the week, what's important in life and (more frequently) what's not. It is very convenient, you never have to feel lonely again without calling somebody!
It is good that we do not have friends yet in Antwerp because otherwise, I am afraid, we would have no time for them now. Also this blog is in danger. Jasper is already waiting. I will tell him what I did. He will surely find it interesting!
(...and next time Ill continue with more serious topics.)