Since 95 days, Argentina is now struggling with a conflict between the so said "campo" (country) and the government. Essentially in opposition of higher tariffs on soya exports, for the third time in the last 4 months the farmers are on strike (paro), with again blocading the streets of Argentina (as piqueteros). The whole society is effected by it, for the second time (fresh) food and fuels become scarce in some provinces, public transport between the provinces is hardly posible, and even more feared: the inflation rate rises more and more. Most of all effected by that are the poor parts of Argentine's society. A solution is not in sight, the government rejects to talk with the country leaders until they don't stop the strike and the country isn't satisfied with the so far by the government decided reliefs on the tariffs.
In the atmosphere of high tention, the picture potraits the maybe biggest escalation so far, the detention of Alfredo de Angeli. Yesterday, the government decided to send the police to end the blocades and the most important leader of the countrie's protest went to custady for some hours. New protests rose and also the peronist government started to mass mobilize its supporters again.
From my point of view, the tariffs could be one element to ease the countries immense economical unequality. With the fastly growing international prices for soya, some 10% of the land owners are earning 75% of the soya profit and certainly earning more then ever before. Regarding that, to speak of the "country" is not possible. But what could be part of intelligent social policy, is at the moment endangered to become a farce. Evita like, last monday the president declared to build 30 hospitals with the profit of the tariff, streets and health centers, widely commented with ridicule and distrust. The growing escalation shifts the view far from the real causes and at the moment, the social peace of the society in total is deeply in danger.
What's the worst: The conflict is caused by the rich countries hunger for alternative fuels and meat. 95% of the soya is produced for the export, ending up in the cars and pigs of Europe and more and more in China. Growing much during the last years, in 54% of Argentina's cultivated countryside the farmers grow (genetically manipulated) soya today. With all the negative consequenses for the environment and the smallholders. In its routs, the conflict in Argentina is higly caused in Europe. Much more would be to say about it and I deeply hope that there will be a solution before I leave the country in 8 days. Whats again my privelege: Flying to the rich north ever will be possible .

From my point of view, the tariffs could be one element to ease the countries immense economical unequality. With the fastly growing international prices for soya, some 10% of the land owners are earning 75% of the soya profit and certainly earning more then ever before. Regarding that, to speak of the "country" is not possible. But what could be part of intelligent social policy, is at the moment endangered to become a farce. Evita like, last monday the president declared to build 30 hospitals with the profit of the tariff, streets and health centers, widely commented with ridicule and distrust. The growing escalation shifts the view far from the real causes and at the moment, the social peace of the society in total is deeply in danger.
What's the worst: The conflict is caused by the rich countries hunger for alternative fuels and meat. 95% of the soya is produced for the export, ending up in the cars and pigs of Europe and more and more in China. Growing much during the last years, in 54% of Argentina's cultivated countryside the farmers grow (genetically manipulated) soya today. With all the negative consequenses for the environment and the smallholders. In its routs, the conflict in Argentina is higly caused in Europe. Much more would be to say about it and I deeply hope that there will be a solution before I leave the country in 8 days. Whats again my privelege: Flying to the rich north ever will be possible .
1 Kommentar:
Hi Christoph!
Steigende Soja- und Benzinpreise, Naturkatastrophen, Dürre? Was ficht uns das an? Wir leben im reichen Norden und bekommen von den Folgen soo wenig mit (20% der Weltbevölkerung verbrauchen 80% der Ressourcen; war´s nicht so?). Direkt Betroffene, die keine Möglichkeit der finanziellen Kompensation haben (wie die Sojabauern, die Du beschreibst), schauen in die Röhre. What to do? Welches sind die Rezepte, die wir Reichen befolgen und die nachhaltig funktionieren könnten?
Zu dem Artikel davor (ESMA):
Ich war im letzten Jahr in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen, dem Untersuchungsgefängnis des DDR-Regimes, das im "Leben der Anderen" vorkommt. Unser Führer war ein ehemaliger Häftling, der völlig sachlich über seine Geschichte referierte. Geschichte von Mensch zu Mensch. Das hatte mich beeindruckt. Was ESMA und Hohenschönhausen waren, ist immer noch Guantanamo und Co. Vielleicht können die Amis von den Argentiniern lernen... .
Lieber Gruß,
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