As the video prooves, not without the help of higher powers we could overcome all the obstacles on the way. In our case we decided for Gauchito Gil, the famous popular saint of Argentina. Fleeing from the army service in the war between Paraguay, Argentina y Brazil and turning into a kind of Pampa Robin Hood, he was finally sentenced to death and hung on the 8th of january 1878. While dying, he performed his final miracle and predicted his hangman´s son sudden healing from sickness. With his final promise being proven, Gauchito Gil´s legend has spread throughout the country and till today leads to his own community of followers. Everywhere along Argentina´s streets one finds the self build altars, decorated with red flags, sacrifices for the heard pleadings of his believers. Just to make the travel more secure, I recommend to make a stop each morning and give some coins, cigarretes or whiskey to Gauchito and ensure his goodwill.
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