But actually, I do not believe it. And it won´t matter. I am already content by all I saw in the last two days. The Bolivian highland, the women in their traditional clothing, the street sellers who have it all, the pink toilet paper and the design of Huari beer. And the lonely landscapes which did not seem to have an end. Due to slow internet connection, images will have to wait and then we might already show you flamingos!
3700 meters above see level
But actually, I do not believe it. And it won´t matter. I am already content by all I saw in the last two days. The Bolivian highland, the women in their traditional clothing, the street sellers who have it all, the pink toilet paper and the design of Huari beer. And the lonely landscapes which did not seem to have an end. Due to slow internet connection, images will have to wait and then we might already show you flamingos!
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6 Kommentare:
Hola Christoph! Um was von Vulkanen mitzukriegen, brauchen wir nicht zu reisen. Hier ist alles schwarz von isländischer Vulkanasche. Und überall knirschts. Ein Gefühl wie damasls im Kohlenpott!
Hej Christoph. Ich habe auch die dreitägige Tour über den Salar und das Altiplano damals in 2003 gemacht ... und was soll ich sagen, die paar Einschränkungen haben sich wirklich gelohnt ... schaut euch ruhig um, und staunt!!! Viele grüße nach Bolivien und an 'el presidente evo'! robert
Mein Tipp:
Keine Empanadas de Pollo im Bus kaufen, auch wenn ihr noch so hungrig seid... ;)
Bueno, veo que ya están disfrutando de las vacaciones! Seguramente habrá valido la pena tanto viaje.
:-) we wont definitly eat pollo in the bus and until now we stood quite healhy. Additionally, Evo said while operning the anti-Kopenhagen summit that chicken could cause homosexuality, one reason further to leave it... Kohlenpott life was the visit in the Potosí mines, nothing in common with the museums in Bochum and elsewhere. And I heard you can breath again in Europe, congrats! Valle, its a pitty that we lost the pics with the special greetings to the subsuelo. Now Ill try a postcard from Sucre. Real Sucre.
Hi ihr zwei!
Ihr habt den Zug verpasst?!!! Was sagt man dazu. Ansonsten: bis hierher (weiter habe ich noch nicht gelesen, offensichtlich alles im grünen Bereich...
Liebe Grüße, Karen
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