Latin America, here we come! A couple of days to prepare in Buenos Aires and get ideas for the route to take, not without a visit in the legendary
Amerika with the whole crew. Jasper´s swollen tonsils even strengthened us in packing survival medicine: obligatory diarrhea pills for Bolivian Andean kitchen, kort&krachtig Shaper Paste to give ours hair perfect style even in Amazon basin rafting tours, earplugs for the entertainment program in Peru's long distance buses, Adidas' “Pure Game” to maintain original Argentinian smell in the Carribean and Mycosten 1% against my dermatitis liquen which usually only indigenous people fight with. His beginning fever made the selection of 5 books of world literature even more crucial. Finally entered Puig´s Kiss Of A Spider woman, Klein's Shoque Doctrine, Márquez' 100 Years of Loneliness, König's Short (755 pages) History of Latin Amerika and Thakara's In the Bubble. Wild mixture of english, spanish, german and dutch.

Only when red spots appeared all over Jasper's body, we were taking into consideration to change our first destination. Finally, first trip did not lead us to Potosí, Machu Pichu, Cartagena or Quito but just two blocks away to beautiful Clinica Santa Isabela with its almost tropical climate, music in the air and football on the screen, good looking doctors and free drinks in the reception zone. Result: A scarlet fever infection. Clearly proven by the strawberry red tongue (left, white layers just are about to fall off). Now he is laying on the bed and breathing into a wet towel. If we survive that, rest of the trip won't do us no harm. Wednesday might be the next try. Meanwhile, we already had time to use our perfect travel backgammon when electricity broke down during the afternoon. Gee, Buenos Aires is really savage.
3 Kommentare:
Christoph!! ingresamos al blog con la curiosidad de saber en qué lugar de america se encontraban...y ooooo qué sorpresa, tuvieron que posponer el viaje. Cómo está Jasper, qué mala suerte justo ahora!! ojalá se haya recuperado y ya estén viajando.
Estamos atentos a tu blog.
Besos, Valle
Oh Shit, soweit ich es verstehe, ist das irgendwie ja gar nich so gut und wie gedacht. Konntet Ihr denn mittlerweile starten? Und was genau hat Jasper jetzt (scheiß englisch... :-))? Und was hast Du (irgendwas mit dermatitis?)?
LG von einer etwas sprachlich ratlosen
Morgen gehts wahrscheinlich los, probablemente manana nos vamos. Wenn du wissen willst, was scarlet fever heisst, hilft dic.cc. Dann siehst du, dass nicht nur Familien mit Kinderkrankheiten kaempfen... Aber auch das ist nicht wirklich ein Problem. Abrazos!
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