
Labour Day La Paz

Unlike in the rich North, here, First of May mobilized thousands of people to the traditional may manifestation. It looked like as if the workers of almost all companies around La Paz and hundreds of trade unions took part in the march. Labor conditions stay dificult for the large percentage of the population in a country where the GNI counts around 2500 US$ per capita. Therefore, participating groups reached from child workers to household employees and exclaimed hopes as well as disappointments about the government of Evo Morales.

Evo Morales victory in the elections of 2005 was perceived by the great mayority of the Bolivians as a big sucess. After 500 years of colonialisation, he is the first president with indigenous background in a country which population claims to be indigenous to two thirds. His background as casual worker, coca farmer, trade unionist and civic leader in the so called "war of gas" in 2003 promised a different approach on politics. And indeed, in the first years of his presidency he fullfilled expectations by the nationalization of gas, strong demand orientated impulses and the process of the implementation of the new constituion which refers to Bolivia as a plurinational state, a reference to the varios indigenous people living in a country designed by colonialism.

The critics about an autocratic style, dissapointments of more left politicians and the outrage of traditional elites of Bolivia, especially visible in the unrests in the rich and whiter eastern provinces of the country, could not prevent the huge affirmation of his presidency in the referendum in 2008 by 67% of the votes and the aprobation of the new constitution by 61% in 2009. Still, its a long way to go until the nation finds its reconciliation.

After a long stay in La Paz, today, Jasper and I are finally leaving towards Titicaca and are then almost about to leave Bolivia. Next blog from the heart of the former Inka empire!

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Qué lindo viaje!!! Comé mucho ceviche en Perú!!! e INKA Cola por supuesto!!

