Already the fourth visit to one of the friendliest congregations which I have the opportunity to work with. Three volunteers work in the kindergarten and youth club of the church, but this time that was not the only reason to visit the parish. Sergio, the vicar who has worked about half a year for the congregation in Mar del Plata, had planned a special Sunday for his community. After the service he wanted to announce publicly his homosexuality to the members of the church, a step which so far the presbytery asked him not to undertake in order to give the members of the community the chance to get to know him personally before having to judge about his sexual orientation.
Nothing special? Not necessary? At this moment, neither inside the IERP nor in any other of the historical churches in Argentina exist a pastor who is openly gay and the same is true for the surrounding countries. Of course, that does not mean that there are no other gays or lesbians. But even persons who are more or less commonly known to be queer always have avoided to publicly comment or defend their sexuality. If Sergio would be ordinated next year as a pastor, he would be the first visible gay pastor in the protestant world of the cono sur chosen by his own church to serve as a pastor.
Growing up in a society formed by narrow catholic moral positions, his own story has not been free from difficulties. Sergio decided early to study theology, but his strong believe also took him to a 15 years long fight against his own homosexuality, trying with all kind of treatments which exist in this part of the world and “Cristian” environments to heal his gayness. Finally, already in the late 20ies, he accepted his orientation, left the catholic church and found a new spiritual home in the Lutheran believe. Nevertheless, not all problems stop. At first, Sergio was planned to serve as vicar in a congregation in Paraguay, an idea rejected by the district because of his homosexuality.
What was the reaction on his announcement in Mar del Plata? First, immediate applause by a big part of congregation members. Then, touching support by single members who stressed his qualities as pastor. Finally, quieter, also supporting but clearly more
skeptical voices. All these declarations naturally did not lack statements like: “There are much worse thinks”, “Nobody is without sins”, “I do have bad sides as well”, which, in this context should be understood as support. Immediately after the church it became clear that real discussion will take place in other places and at other times. Or, as one of the presbyters told me: “Our work is just starting now.” Might be that the congregation will vote about the Sergio's permanence as vicar in the congregation in his next plenary assembly. Of course I will inform you about the result.
Growing up in a society formed by narrow catholic moral positions, his own story has not been free from difficulties. Sergio decided early to study theology, but his strong believe also took him to a 15 years long fight against his own homosexuality, trying with all kind of treatments which exist in this part of the world and “Cristian” environments to heal his gayness. Finally, already in the late 20ies, he accepted his orientation, left the catholic church and found a new spiritual home in the Lutheran believe. Nevertheless, not all problems stop. At first, Sergio was planned to serve as vicar in a congregation in Paraguay, an idea rejected by the district because of his homosexuality.
What was the reaction on his announcement in Mar del Plata? First, immediate applause by a big part of congregation members. Then, touching support by single members who stressed his qualities as pastor. Finally, quieter, also supporting but clearly more
Sergio and me with spiritual collegue on last year's Buenos Aires' gay pride
1 Kommentar:
Hallo Chrissie..
erstmal: Schön zu hören und zu lesen, dass es Dir gut geht.Offensichtlich gibt es auch Schwestern der perpetuellen Indulgenz in Buenos Aires. Oder ist das auf dem Foto nur eine freie Interpretation? So oder so, Ich merke, dass Du Dich auf der anderen Seite des Globuses gut amüsierst. Dank´ Dir auch für deinen Link auf mein kleines Blog. Sag.. ich wollte mal vorsichtig anfragen, ob Du Post von uns erhalten hast?
Gruß und Kuss,
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