Leaving Argentina: Asado. Entering Germany: Grillen. Are both barbecue events metaphors for our cultures? Is Argentina more authentic and Germany more artificial? Is Argentina more sharing and Germany more individualistic? Argentina less clean and Germany greener? Most important elements seem to contain the same: fire place, dead meat, alcohol, company. Most important: There was a farewell with a lot of cariño and a very warm welcome, too. With that support it might be posible to stand the differences in both societies...

Thanks again for a very nice last night in the Isedet with a lot of very important people and thanks Jona for being a great asador! Thanks also to my family for puting on the La Plata-Shirts and giving me such a nice and easy welcome!
2 Kommentare:
Hola Christoph, wir grüssen Dich ganz herzlich aus Paraguay und La Cantera und denken gerne an die gemeinsame Zeit zurück.
Wir wünschen Dir, dass Du in Europa gut Fuss fasst und es Dir rundum gut geht.
Alles Liebe,
Lisa und Uli mit kids und dem ganzen Team von La Cantera
Hola Cristobal!
Le traduje a Jona lo del asado y dijo "que buena onda, escribíle que le mando un abrazo". Así que, es lo que estoy haciendo. Nosotros bien, a full con el Sprachkurs. Te extañamos PL! Saludos a tu novio, recuerden que si se quieren casar, lo pueden hacer acá. Besos, Stefanie.
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