
Murga in Florencia Varela

While visiting Vanessa and Carina of the EKiR volunteers in Florencio Varela last thursday, I had the great opportunity to take part in my first murga lesson! Murga is folkloristic music performed in the barrios, a stamping rythm played on different drums, accompagnied by a circle dance which looks energetic and ancient. Who ever took part in the Samba they play under the Severinstorburg while Colonge carneval has a comparison to the joy the murga means to people here. Aditionally, the murga is used as an instrumenent in societal conflicts. It is performed in political manifestations, e.g. on the 24 of march when Argentina remembers the military coup in 1976 and the 30.000 desaparecidos during dictatorship, as well as in the demonstrations of recent political conflicts when the people from the villas manifest their political will.

Besides, the visit in Florencio Varela clearly displayed how large the economic disparities between the rather weathly "Capital" district and the suburbs of Gran Buenos Aires are. In some parts, the scenery equals the images of the movie "city of god" of which some of you might be familiar with. The "villas" in Florencia Varela started as an occupation of land of those who had nothing after they migrated to Buenos Aires. Every family who took part in the occupations got a marked piece of land, had to build something with a roof during the first 6 months and slowly has been improving the own houses and territories. Therefore, one clearly gets an impression of the ages of the different villas. Areas where the houses are made of pieces of wood and corrugated sheets, areas where the houses start to have concrete walls, up to villas with a functioning tab water system. While seeing the situation one question was the strongest: Which chances do the people have to escape the poverty?

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